About the Business
Below you will find answers to some frequently asked questions. We are convinced that you will not regret choosing us for your economically priced quality dental treatment in our clinic in Budapest but should you wish to ask any further questions before you go ahead and book your initial consultation at our London Clinic, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to answer your queries and hopefully, put your mind at rest. We hope you will contact us soon to book your initial consultation at our London Clinic where you will be able to discuss your particular situation with our dentist who will advise you on various options for your treatment. Why is it worth travelling to Hungary for my dental treatment? How do I arrange my trip? Where can I stay? How much advance notice is needed? How long should I stay for? What about any language problems? How much money can I save? What does Budapest offer me? What are your payment terms?
Location & Hours

2 Upper Wimpole St